New Member


    Please create a new password that you will use to access the CHP member portal.

Basic Information

    Please enter your name below exactly as it should appear in concert programs. If you would not like a middle name/initial to appear in the program, leave that field blank.

  1. This will not appear in programs

  2. Hold down your command key (mac) or ctrl key (pc) while clicking to select multiple instruments

    Select the groups for which you would like to receive email communication.

Contact Information

    This information will be shared with orchestra members unless you specify that you would prefer not to share this information. We strongly encourage you to share this information to facilitate better communication between orchestra members.

  1. Format: 919-000-0000

Chamber Music

    If you are interested in playing chamber music, please self-rate using the ACMP guide, and indicate whether you are currently available to form a group. When you do form a group or are no longer looking for chamber music opportunities, please uncheck "Available."

Additional Information

    The following questions are for the Board's use for fundraising and will not be posted on the CHP website.

  1. What year did you first join CHP?